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Thoughts from my Journey with Jesus

Thoughts from my Journey with Jesus
Contents: 1. Waiting for the 2nd Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Titus 2:11-14. 2. Know that the Lord Sets Apart the Godly for...

1. Waiting for the 2nd Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Thoughts from my journey with JESUS. (from Paul’s New Testament writings) Eschatology, in Greek ‘the last word’, is the part of theology...

2. Know that the Lord Sets Apart the Godly for Himself
Thoughts from my journey with JESUS. Bible reading Psalm 4:1-8 (all). I am not a Hebrew/Greek language scholar but I do use good language...

3. Wealth is Not Always a Blessing
Bible reading 1 Timothy 6:10. “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the...

4. Too Much Training and Not Enough Trials
Thoughts from my journey with JESUS. Several Bible readings are printed throughout this chapter. I am very thankful to God for the Bible...

5. Deeper Understanding often comes through our Darker Experiences
Bible reading: 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being...

6. The True Freedom Enjoyed by the Slave of God?
Bible reading Galatians 5:1. All around the world one can always hear cries for ‘freedom’. Let’s try to define what freedom means....

7. Making Peace by learning to see All Different People as God sees them
Bible reading Matthew 5:1-16. In the Living Bible version of Psalm 85:8-9 we read: “I am listening carefully to all the Lord is...

8. Jesus - Saviour and Sovereign
Thoughts on my journey with Jesus. Bible reading 2 Corinthians 11:1-4. Paul and the false apostles “I hope you will put up with me in a...

9. Some of Jesus' wishes for us
Thoughts from my journey with Jesus. From Matthew’s gospel This chapter is all Bible readings, with just one or two suggestions for the...

10. Work for Peace
Thoughts from my journey with JESUS. Bible reading Psalm 120:1-7. As I am writing this there are peace talks happening in both Sudan and...

11. Kingdom-centred Life
Thoughts from my journey with JESUS. Bible readings - Luke 11:1-4 and 12:13-21 Everything Jesus said and did was in some way related to...

12. Positive about Death
Thoughts from my journey with JESUS. Bible reading Ecclesiastes 6:12-7:6. Perhaps because of my two battles with cancer and the...

13. Genocide and the Cross of Jesus
Thoughts from my journey with JESUS. Genocide is “the murder of large numbers of people belonging to a particular race”.[1] ”A group of...

14. Fighting to Forgive
Thoughts from my journey with JESUS. There are several Bible readings throughout this chapter. As Christian believers we are called by...

15. Jesus makes us Different.
Lessons from my journey with JESUS. Please first read Hebrews 10:19-25. Living in Khartoum children (and a few adults) pointed at us and...

16. Your Place in God's Plans
Thoughts from my journey with JESUS. Bible reading Jeremiah 29:4-23. It has taken 10 years for us to reach this ‘No.59 Bimonthly...

17. Suffering from God?
Thoughts from my journey with JESUS. The Arrows of the Almighty Bible reading: Psalm 38:1-22 (all). The subject of this chapter is not an...

18. When God does nothing!
Thoughts from my journey with JESUS. Bible reading Psalm 35:1-28, especially verses 17and 22. Often in my lifetime I have wanted God to...

19. Heavenly Citizenship
Thoughts from my journey with JESUS. Bible reading Philippians 3:20. Writing of other people Paul says, “Their mind is set on earthly...

20. Best Substitution Ever!
Thoughts from my journey with JESUS. One Replacing Another to restore their Great Relationship Bible reading Romans 5:1-21. When you read...

21. No Resisting Evil People?
“Do not resist an evil person”, the Lord Jesus. Thoughts from my journey with JESUS. Bible reading Matthew 5:38-48. This instruction,...

22. Think Before Praying
Thoughts from my journey with JESUS. Bible reading Psalm 139:1-24. I have just completed reading through the Psalms devotionally in my...

23. Joining God's Purpose
Thoughts from my journey with JESUS. Bible reading Titus 2:11-14. We are going to end this book right back where we started, in Titus...
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