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1. Introduction
Colin was brought up near London’s Heathrow Airport, where his father worked as an auditor. Converted while in the Boys Brigade, he...
2. The Story of a Laryngectomee
(written 12th April 2007). A laryngectomee is a person who has had their larynx (voice-box) removed. The actual operationto remove the...
3. My story: Brenda Salter - Carer since November 2006
(written 10th January 2008). In the ENT clinic at Barncoose hospital I realised that this diagnosis was our answer seven months of...
4. My story: Colin Salter – laryngectomee since November 2006.
(written 16th January 2008, published as part of the Speak Easy “Our Story” book). In a clinic at Barncoose hospital, Redruth, I asked...
5. My second year as a laryngectomee
(written 19th January 2009). It is 2 years and two months since my laryngectomy as I write this. I remain so thankful to God for His...
6. Look for God to show Himself in everyday things.
(written 24th June 2009) I have almost finished radiotherapy treatment to try and stop the spread of cancer in my throat and neck. Twenty...
7. Three years and three months after becoming a laryngectomee.
It was November 17th 2006 when I lost my natural speaking voice to cancer. Then, just when I had graduated to three-monthly checks at the...
8. Disabled, Depressed and Dying (to be with Jesus!).
(written 25th October 2014) It is four years today, 25 October 2010, since I was diagnosed. That is four years since my career was forced...
9. And so it was that... pain...
(Written 4th September 2009) My husband had his cancerous voice box removed in November 2006. In April 2009 he had a related cancer...
10. Five years on, November 2012, and still living with the consequences
(Written 21st November 2011) It is exactly five years since my laryngectomy operation. To remove an aggressive carcinoma sarcoma my...
11. Let go of the past and live in the present, for the future.
(written 11th September 2012) Six years and four weeks have passed (on 19th December 2012) since my first cancer operation – a...
12. What does it mean to have your God-given dreams removed by God Himself?
(Written 18th April 2013). Please read the Bible reading: Luke 24:13-‐35. I want us to look at the phrase in verse 21, “but we had...
13. Seven and a half years on from my laryngectomy
(written 14th May 2014). June 2014 will be seven and a half years on from my laryngectomy – the surgical removal of my voice box owing to...
14. A Carer, not alone, but lonely!
I have just reread the first of these biography articles I wrote in January 2008. Some things change but many do not. The God who comes...
15. Keeping on living life as it is given to me - Another voicing-valve change!
(written 12th April 2016). Yesterday, 11th April 2016, I had a new voicing valve fitted in my throat fistula. Emma, my speech therapist,...
16. Eight years, and counting, of pain and questions.
(written 26th May 2017). Eight years ago, in May 2009, I began undergoing radiotherapy treatment which would change my life, but not in...
17. Stopping some things after doing them for fifty years!
(Written 11th January 2018.) I was taken aback midway through 2017 when my local GP said to me, “You really must cut down on the things...
18. Adjusting to adjustments made
Brenda and I have spent 2018 adjusting [1] to life with less of a ‘preaching, leading and teaching’ role – yet surprisingly our days...
19. New Challenges Ahead
16. New Challenges Ahead (Written 1st October 2019). Perhaps I should not have said how well my laryngectomy voicing valves were working...
20. Proper prayer is not asking for what you want, but discovering ...
(written 14th August 2020). Proper prayer is not asking for what you want, but discovering what God wants in everything that is...
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