1. Introduction
All Articles
2. The Story of a Laryngectomee
3. My story: Brenda Salter - Carer since November 2006
4. My story: Colin Salter – laryngectomee since November 2006.
5. My second year as a laryngectomee
6. Look for God to show Himself in everyday things.
7. Three years and three months after becoming a laryngectomee.
8. Disabled, Depressed and Dying (to be with Jesus!).
9. And so it was that... pain...
10. Five years on, November 2012, and still living with the consequences
11. Let go of the past and live in the present, for the future.
12. What does it mean to have your God-given dreams removed by God Himself?
13. Seven and a half years on from my laryngectomy
14. A Carer, not alone, but lonely!
15. Keeping on living life as it is given to me - Another voicing-valve change!
16. Eight years, and counting, of pain and questions.
17. Stopping some things after doing them for fifty years!
18. Adjusting to adjustments made
19. New Challenges Ahead
20. Proper prayer is not asking for what you want, but discovering ...