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Young people God uses

Cross thoughts: Christian ideas seen in Sudanese every day life.

God uses young people who are committed to following our Lord Jesus Christ.

I know that Christmas is over as I write this (except for our Orthodox friends who celebrate until January 6th). However, I want to share thoughts that God has impressed on my mind while meditating on the Bible’s “baby Jesus” narratives in the last month. Perhaps they will help us see our young people in a different light, those in our own family, or in our church?

Firstly, God is not afraid to take risks.[1] He trusted two teenagers with His Son!

Mary was called by God to go through the rumour and shame of an unexplained pregnancy.

In Luke 1:38 she responds to God in total surrender for costly obedience. She affirms she is living for God body and spirit. In Mary’s song (the Magnificat, Luke 1:46-55) she focuses on glorifying her Lord and rejoicing in her Saviour. Young people can lead us all in trusting God.

Secondly, God used daily life to prepare Mary for her calling

It was not only in words that Mary’s life centred on God. As she carried the unborn Son of God in her womb, she patiently waited for the natural time to pass before she gave birth to her supernatural baby, Luke 2:6. She attentively watched what was going on around her, visiting Elizabeth and Zechariah, travelling to Bethlehem, living with Joseph while remaining sexually pure. The two teenagers must have discussed many times their respective angelic visits and Joseph’s change of mind. One step of obedience can often lead to another if encouraged.

Thirdly, God carefully chose the young people He would use

While Mary’s life, “found favour with God”, we know more about Joseph’s life around Jesus’ conception and birth. Matthew 1:19 tells of a morally upright man. When his honour was publicly broken by his pledged woman’s pregnancy, Joseph was willing to suffer personal wrong for doing the right thing. A quiet divorce would cost him the dowry already paid – forfeited unless Mary was taken to the authorities. Then, for more months he restrained himself sexually although he had marriage rights, Matthew 1:24-25. God knows the heart secrets of all people. He is never mistaken in who He calls. Try to see as God sees.

Fourthly, God confirms, to young people who will listen to Him, what He wants to do

Using angels and dreams with Scripture based messages, God confirmed Mary & Joseph into the centre of His will for their lives. The whole world is still affected. After 30 years it was Mary & Joseph’s time to fade into the background and let “their” son do what His Father wanted. This needs to be true in every generation.

As church leaders, may we help our young people into God’s service during 2015?

[1] Joe Kapolyo Africa Bible Commentary (Word Alive: Nairobi) 2006, page 1113.

January 2015.


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