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Home for Christmas?

Cross thoughts: Christian ideas seen in Sudanese everyday life.

Several people have asked me this question recently. I knew what they meant, but that was not what I thought about.

What hit me was this question: “Where is my real home?”

At Christmas many people think of travelling home to be with family and friends. My wife is planning for us to welcome our family. As a Christian I believe I have a heavenly home which was definitely not built in Cornwall, England in 1892! (The home I live in now is that).

The daily newspaper carries obituaries and death announcements. People are always coming to the end of their earthly lives and moving on. Death is part of life, even if we don’t like to talk about it. My personal battle with cancer these two years has made me think a lot more about my next home. Who knows when my time to move on will come?

I love my home in Cornwall, and love being here with family and friends. Yet I also eagerly look forward to my new home in heaven. My Saviour Jesus is awaiting me there. There was no room for Him when he was born, except in a stable. But before His death He delivered the most important message of life. He said, “In My Father’s house are many rooms ... I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with Me that you also may be where I am”,

John. 14:2-3.

I may be living in my Cornwall home this Christmas, but one day soon I will be living in my heavenly home. And it is all thanks to Jesus who, according to the Christmas story, came to “save His people from their sins”, Matthew. 1:21.

I hope you will accept His offer of a place in heaven that He is preparing for you.

You can do this simply by asking Him to save you from your sins.

It is why Jesus came from heaven to earth.

From Grace & Truth magazine, December 2008. By Colin Salter.


© 2022 Colin Salter

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