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Contents - God Rules, O. K. ?

lessons for today, from each of the Old Testament's Minor Prophets. God Rules, O.K.?


  1. Men who Speak for God Micah 3:5-8

  2. God's Judgement is Coming Joel 2:1

  3. God's Concern for the World Jonah 3:2

  4. God Requires Social Justice Amos 5:14

  5. God's Faithful Love Hosea 3:1

  6. God's Witness Against Us Micah 1:2

  7. God Does No Wrong Zephaniah 3:5

  8. Trusting God's Timing Nahum 1:3

  9. Asking God 'Why?' Habakkuk 1:13

  10. God Avenges His People Obadiah verse 15

  11. God Will Be First Haggai 2:8-9

  12. God Wants Our Renewal Zechariah 4:6

  13. God's Claims on His People Malachi 1:14

  14. Men who Speak of Jesus Micah 5:2-5

These sermons are available to listen to, and to download HERE

God Rules, O.K.?

Cartoons from unless stated otherwise.


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