before God took back his voice, using cancer, after lending it to him for 57 years.
All lessons are now here, 1 to 53, with video timings in minutes.seconds giving the length of each unit. There are 1,2,3 or 4 videos per individual lesson. Click on the timing to start each video.
For English language practise, why not watch and listen while reading the book text,
which you can find elsewhere on this site?
Section 1. Theology is to be considered and experienced
1. Introduction
1. Describe in your own words the greatness of God
2. From memory: List all things God is, then all He does
3. How should we fear such a great God?
2. Is the God of Islam the same as the God of Christianity?
1. When you talk with someone about God/Allah, how can you be sure you are talking about the same divine being?
2. From Acts 17:16-34 only, how did Paul define God?
3. Is there anything you would add to Paul's definition if you were talking to your friends? If there is, why?
3. Hungry to get to know God better
1. What things stop people from wanting to experience more of God? What things do the opposite - and help people get to know God as a real friend?
2. Are there ways we can help each other live close to God?
4. What comes into your mind when you think about God?
1. Describe some of the ways you personally think about God.
2. For each of these ways, decide did you learn it from the Bible, from nature, or from another person? Why is the Bible the most important resource (but not the only way) for thinking about God?
5. A helpful exercise
1. Read your Bible to begin a study of the existence and nature of God. Start with
Genesis 1:1-23.
2. Now try the same from: Psalm 145:1-21; Isaiah 55:1-13; John 17:1-26; Ephesians 1:1-22. Start video: 02.32 minutes.seconds
6. Why study theology?
1. What are some of the differences between 'head-knowledge' of God and a 'living experience' of him? Give at least four reasons for developing a good theology.
2. With your Bible closed, write one page (or speak for one minute) on the subject: 'Who is God?'
Section 2. The essential nature and character of God
7. God perfectly exists in a different life form from us
1. What does the description, 'God is Spirit', mean to you?
2. Explain how this is different from belief in 'the spirit of the tree' or 'the spirit of an ancestor.
8. God is one complete God
1. Some people say: 'I think the most important thing about God is his 'love'. Others say: 'I think the most important attribute of God is his righteousness'. What would you say? Start video: 06.56 minutes.seconds
2. Why are there some qualities of God we always talk about: his love, holiness, etc., and others we seldom if ever talk about: his justice, patience, etc.? Start video: 03.59 minutes.seconds
9. One God in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
1. How can you define the Trinity yourself?
2. How do you answer a member of another faith who understands that 'Christians believe in three gods'?
10. God is apart from and above time
1. Try to explain 'eternity' without reference to time. What is the relationship between 'time' and 'eternity'?
2. 'God is always working for things to be right in eternity' (Romans 8:28). How does this help us view things that happen around us in our lifetimes?
11. God is everywhere present at the same time
1. Since God is omnipresent, can it be right to say "We invite you to come and be with us, Jesus", at the beginning of a worship service? What do we really mean? How can we express it better?
2. If you were on your own in a very bad situation, (prison, danger, etc.), how would thinking of God's omnipresence help you? Start video: 09.55 minutes.seconds
12. God is a living being who can think, feel and decide
1. The personality of God enables our 'relationship with him' rather than just a 'knowledge of him'. What are the differences between these two? Start video: 09.40 minutes.seconds
2. After thinking about this, list as many differences as you can.
13. God is able to do anything his character allows him to do
1. Why does God do some good things and not others that we feel should be done - when he is obviously able to do them all? Can God break his own rules? Start video: 10.41 minutes.seconds
2. How should we respond when God seems to be doing nothing to help us? Start video: 10.13 minutes.seconds
14. God knows everything
1. How does the omniscience of God help you when you are in great need? How does it help when you are serving him? How does it help when you are sinning? Start video: 14.32 minutes.seconds
15. God is purely God
1. What effect should God's holiness have in our church? In our relationships with our neighbours of different faiths? In our politics? Start video: 06.49 minutes.seconds
2. If we sin easily or carelessly, what should we expect from the holiness of God? Start video: 06.15 minutes.seconds
16. God’s heartfelt and active care for our well-being
1. We understand God's love by his care of us and his provision for us. What does this tell us about 'loving one another'?
2. Why do you think Jesus said: "He who has been forgiven little, loves little"? Why can God never stop loving?
17. God’s fair treatment of everyone while being true to his character
1. What is the difference between 'being given justice' by God, and 'getting what we deserve' from him?
2. Bribery may get you what you want - but is it 'just'? Why? How do the other attributes of God that we have seen, give us the confidence that God will always be just and fair? Start video: 07.48 minutes.seconds
18. God does not give us what we deserve
1. List as many of the natural mercies of God as you can think of - the ones that he gives to everyone. Why does everyone need God's mercy?
2. Why is it important to understand, 'God's mercy gave us Jesus'? Start video: 02.37 minutes.seconds
19. God can always be trusted
1. Since God is faithful to his word, how confident of it should we be? Since God is faithful to himself, how can we discover if our 'ideas to serve him' come from him or elsewhere? Start video: 06.32 minutes.seconds
2. How does God's 'faithfulness' help us when we face an unknown future? Start video: 08.02 minutes.seconds
20. God always agrees with the mind of God
1. Why is it impossible to 'measure God' or 'value God' by anything else? Start video: 07.32 minutes.seconds
2. Jesus, speaking to his Father, used the phrase: "the only true God" (John 17:3). What does this mean for other religions? What is the best way to know the truth about God, according to this prayer of Jesus?
Section 3. God’s word written down and published
21. God’s purpose for the Bible
1. Comparisons between Christianity and Islam. Then, according to 2 Timothy 3:16-17, what are God's purposes for the Bible?
2. How would you tell your friend what the central message of the Bible is? Where does the story of Jesus fit into the whole Bible?
22. The truth of the Bible
1. 'Every word in the Bible is literally true'. Is this statement true or false? Why?
2. List five or more things that Jesus did with the Old Testament.
3. "Truth is truth. It means what it says". Think of some things that you say, or others say to you, that make you want to challenge this statement. (For example: 'I died from embarrassment').
23. God breathed the Bible
1. What are the differences between the way the Qur'an was 'dictated', and the way the Bible was 'God-breathed'?
2. Why is it important to believe the Bible to be the word of God? Which other attributes of God help you to accept the Bible as God's word?
24. How our Bible is like it is
1. What is the difference between a 'church-created' Bible and a 'church-recognised' Bible? Why was a 'canon' (standard) of Scripture needed? Start video 10.01 minutes.seconds
2. How did Jesus describe the Bible in John 16:13-15?
25. How the Bible came to Sudan
Is there a Bible in your mother-tongue? If not, what can you do to help one be translated? What attributes of God are seen by the recent speeding up of Bible translation in Sudan, thanks to war and displacement of people? What specific responsibilities do Sudanese people have for enabling the production of the Bible in all Sudanese languages? Start video: 12.17 minutes.seconds
26. Translating the Bible
1. Look in the front of your Bible: does it tell you what type of translation it is? (Read its Preface or Introduction). Compare this to the six types listed earlier in chapter 26.
2. As well as being true to the old texts and original Bible languages, why is it important that translators keep up to date with modern language usage? How do we know that God
himself wants to speak to us through the Bible?
27. Interpreting and applying the Bible
1. Why is it necessary to follow rules for reading, understanding and applying the Bible? Why is it necessary to 'get the big picture first', and see where an individual verse, or story, or Bible book, fits into the whole Bible?
2. Discuss the twelve guideline given towards the end of chapter 27. Which are the most important for you at this time? Why?
Section 4. The beginning of the story of God and humankind
28. Starting where the Bible starts
1. From reading ONLY Genesis 1:1; Genesis 3:1; Genesis 12:1; Genesis 46:1-4; Exodus 3:7-9; Exodus 20:1-3; Joshua 1:1-5; and Jeremiah 32:36-41; what do you think is THE theme of the
Old Testament?
2. From reading ONLY Mark 1:1; John 20:30-3 1; Acts 1:1-5; Colossians 1:3-6; and Revelation 21:1-4; what do you think is THE theme of the New Testament?
3. Use the pictures, or use the actions shown, to tell the summary of the Bible's Big Story.
1. In what ways are all people 'in the image of God'? Genesis 1:27. Why did God create people?
2. How is Jesus different from all other men, in God's image?
1. Suggest a general definition of 'sin'.
2. "I do not have to do anything to be a sinner. I am a sinner". Explain what the difference is between 'being a sinner' and 'sinning'.
3. List as many things as you can - at least seven - that are affected by human sin. Start video: 06.01 minutes.seconds
Section 5. God’s chosen Saviour – Jesus!
1. Give at least five reasons to believe 'Jesus was God as a man'.
2. Was Jesus 'part of God' or 'all of God'? Explain your answer, using some of the attributes of God.
1. What is the best evidence we have supporting the fact that Jesus was a real man?
2. Why did God become a man?
3. What difference would it make to the Christian gospel if Jesus was not God?
1. How can Jesus have lived before King David and yet also have lived several hundred years after him? John 17:5; 2 Timothy 2:2-8.
2. In which ways is Jesus like a prophet? Like a priest? Like a king?
3.How is Jesus different from all human prophets, priests and kings? Start video: 09.57 minutes.seconds
4. What can we definitely know about Judgement Day?
1. How does God's holiness affect our sin and our salvation? What is the difference between receiving justice from God and getting what we deserve from him?
2. Describe how a person can experience complete peace with God. Start video: 06.37 minutes.seconds
1. Why does 'their view of Jesus Christ' ultimately show the truth or falseness of any religion?
2. List all the ways that Jesus was (and is) unique.
1. Why do people who know Jesus in their experience, also know the Holy Spirit? Start video: 05.57 minutes.seconds
2. What limits our understanding and appreciation of God?
3. From John 14-16, what can we be sure God the Holy Spirit will do? Give chapter and verse reference for each one.
Section 6. God the Holy Spirit and our Christian experience
37. A living person: God the Holy Spirit
1. What difference does it make in the way we speak of, and relate to, the Holy Spirit, when we remember he is a person and not just a power?
2. How many references in John 14-17 can you find where Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as a person?
3. What does "the fellowship of the Holy Spirit" mean?
4. Which attributes of God help you to appreciate the Holy Spirit as 'all of God' and not just 'part of God'?
38. An Old Testament pattern of the Holy Spirit
1. Read the story of Gideon, Judges 6-8, and discuss 'why and how' the Holy Spirit came into his life and ministry.
2. Is it only 6:34?
3. Why do you think there are so few references to the Holy Spirit being on Elijah?
4. Discuss if there are any differences between 'the Spirit of God' and 'the presence of God'.
39. A New Testament presence of the Holy Spirit
1. What different thoughts can you list where water, in some way, illustrates the activity of the Holy Spirit today?
2. How many different ways is the same 'Pentecost' experience referred to in Acts? Look up Acts 1:4-5; Acts 2:1-4; Acts 2:16-21; Acts 2:33; Acts 10:44-48 and Acts 11:1-18.
3. What lesson should we learn from the several experiences that Peter had with the Holy Spirit? Consider John 20:21-23; Acts 1:1-4; Acts 2:1-4; Acts 4:8; Acts 4:31; Acts 5:3 and
Acts 9:31.
4. How does 'the Holy Spirit mediate the life of Jesus into the life of the church'?
40. Recent controversies concerning the Holy Spirit
1. What do many Christians share in common, that makes all divisions concerning the Holy Spirit very sad?
2. What are the differences (if any) between 'being baptised with the Holy Spirit'
Acts 1:4-5, and 'being filled with the Holy Spirit', Ephesians 5:18?
3. What differences are there (if any) in the end result in a believers' life?
4. While it is right to 'seek, knock and ask' for a greater experience of God (Matthew 6:33; Matthew 7:7), what dangers are there in always wanting more? (Philippians 4:4 and
Philippians 4:13).
41. Testing and discerning for truth
1. How do you "test which spirits are from God"? 1 John 4:1. What does the text mean?
2. Why should we "be careful of the latest Christian fashion" or "Christian visitor"?
and with
3. What practical steps are you able to take to discover a person's answers to my suggested questions 1-8?
42. Spiritual warfare
1. Why should we avoid both extreme views of 'spiritual warfare'?
2. Since Satan can quote Scripture and perform miracles, what should our response be to those who quote the Bible and demonstrate signs? Start video: 29.01 minutes.seconds
3. What can we learn about 'prayer' from Ephesians 1:15-19; Ephesians 3:14-19 and
4. How is the devil defeated in the believer's life? See 1 John 3:8 and Colossians 2:13-15. Start video: 13.02 minutes.seconds
Section 7. How God saves his people from their sins
43. Explaining a mystery
1. What are the main differences between the Old Testament system of sacrifices, offered for God's people, and the gospel sacrifice Jesus offered on the cross? Start video: 15.12 minutes.seconds
2. Which attributes of God mean he must be legally satisfied with the way sin is dealt with?
3. Discuss your answer to the question: 'Are you saved?' Give Bible references to support your answer.
44. Extracts from 'Statements of belief' from different churches
of Sudan (and South Sudan).
1. Which of the church or college statements best expresses how a person is saved?
2. Explain why you think this one is better than the others.
45. Definition of key 'salvation' words.
1. Give another Scripture verse (not the ones I used in this chapter) for every one of the twenty-six 'salvation word' definitions given in lesson/chapter 45.
2. How does the verse you have given help to explain the 'salvation word'? Start video: 31.27 minutes.seconds
46. Explaining how salvation is experienced
1. What is the danger for an evangelist who misunderstands, and therefore misrepresents, salvation in his or her witness?
2. Grudem lists about seventeen steps in the salvation process. Which ones should you present in gospel preaching? Why?
3. Are there any of Reidhead's eight steps in the salvation process that you seldom hear preached in gospel sermons. Why do you think this is? Start video: 42.22 minutes.seconds
47. Taking care in our evangelism
1. What could the differences be between people responding to the evangelist and his or her message, and people actually responding to God? Start video: 13.56 minutes.seconds
2. How can we be reasonably sure the people we are witnessing to are genuinely responding to God?
3. Who is responsible for evangelising the lost? Support your answer from Scripture. Start video: 04.45 minutes.seconds
Section 8. God lives in the church
48. The Old and New Testament church
1. What are the differences between the 'universal church' and the 'local church'?
2. Which of these two is 100% made up of genuine, born-again believers? Start video: 18.34 minutes.seconds
3. What lessons can you learn from seeing the church as "the household of God"? Start video: 09.04 minutes.seconds
49. Christian worship
1. How are the 'five reasons Christian congregations exist' expressed in your local church or fellowship?
2. If one or two are weak, how can they be strengthened?
3. Describe in one sentence, 'a group of Christians worshipping God'.
4. Which is the worst trap for a local church to fall into: being 'chaotic' in worship, or 'being too rigidly structured' in worship? Why? Start video: 21.09 minutes.seconds
50. Christian ministry
1. Define: 'the Christian ministry'.
2. What does 'the priesthood of all believers' mean?
3. How can a 'servant of the church' be its leader?
51. Church ordinances
1. What is the general purpose of the two church ordinances: Baptism and the Lord's Supper (Holy Communion)?
2. Describe how Jesus is 'present' with believers at communion. How is this different from his presence with us anywhere else?
3. What is the purpose of Believers' Baptism?
4. What is the purpose of Infant Baptism?
5. How does Romans 14:19-15:2 challenge our attitudes towards those of different Christian practice?
52. Leadership and Membership of the local Church
1. How are leaders - and other peoples gifts - to be recognised and encouraged by the local church?
2. What kind of example did Jesus himself set, as a leader of his disciples? Start video: 04.40 minutes.seconds
3. How can a local church maintain unity between a variety of people? What principles should guide it?
4. How can many different local churches, from a variety of denominations, show unity in Christ? Is meeting together necessary? Start video: 16.07 minutes.seconds
53. Conclusion: our need to put theology into practice
1. Why must 'good thinking about God' lead to changes in our individual and corporate (church) behaviour?
2. Is studying the Bible enough? What more is there to successful Christian discipleship? Start video: 03.56 minutes.seconds
The end.