Cross thoughts: Christian ideas seen in Sudanese every day life.
A friend sent these photos from the Yei Teacher Training 10 years celebrations in October.
Our Lord Jesus Christ was a travelling teacher. He taught and he showed his disciples how they should live as members of God’s heavenly kingdom while still on this earth.
Our Lord Jesus Christ was a travelling teacher. He taught and he showed his disciples how they should live as members of God’s heavenly kingdom while still on this earth.
Some Christians are called to use their gifts and their professional training by becoming Nursery, Primary, Secondary school, and even University teachers. When God calls them to do this they must be encouraged and supported by Christians who are around them.
I have spent a lot of time in English schools, voluntarily teaching Religious Education and Geography, along with some Social Sciences. Having 35 young people to keep interested is a definite challenge, especially when they are teenagers!
One never knows if one or two youngsters will grow up to be the next Presidents of Sudan or South Sudan. A few may become influential politicians called by God to help better the social conditions for everyone in their country. Some may be rightly content with a calling as mothers – influencing the next generation to sincerely follow Jesus. Others, selected by God and made ready for the career by the right training choices, may become doctors, nurses, nutritionists, researchers, factory workers, agriculturalists, farmers, market workers, mechanics, industrialists, bankers, lawyers, … the list is endless. And the great thing is, while you are in front of the class, you have absolutely no idea where God will take some of “your” youngsters!
All Christians have a responsibility to train children in the way that is right for them, Deuteronomy 6:4-9. Notice that the focus of teaching is on the children and their needs, not on the teacher and his or hers. Christian pastors and ministers have the privilege of teaching their congregations the ways of Jesus Christ and how to live Christianly, Titus 2:1-8. Fathers especially, and parents generally, must suitably equip their children for the big wide world, where their young Christian faith will be severely tested in many and various ways,
Ephesians 6:4. We must help them to stand firm.
So all of us, parents, church leaders and trained Christian teachers, are responsible to God for how conscientiously we do the job God has given us to do. Let us teach and live to the honour and glory God! See 1 Peter 4:11.
November 2011.