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5. Mark continues the true story

Leader's page and Student's page best viewed left/right side together

Lesson 5 Leader’s notes:

Mark 2:1-10:52

As in Lesson 4 ask the ladies not to open their notes or books.

You will need paper and pencils, or a chalk board.

In twos, or small groups, get the ladies to work through Mark 2:1-10:52

deciding which of four columns to put the various events into –

1. story and teaching

2. healing miracles

3. nature miracles

As you do this you may find things you think are especially important, or which summarise, or which add to the whole situation in the story - list them by references under

4. ‘special findings’.

Remember, a few events may fit into more than one column.

This may still be a very new idea – so be patient and help each group.

Try it for yourself ahead of time so you have answers to the ladies’ questions!

You may still need to help them this time.

I estimate it will take about half of the lesson time to do.

1. story and teaching 2. healing miracles 3. nature miracles 4. special findings

Look at my suggested answers, and complete the lesson page.

There are three other miracles recorded by Mark but not in these references -

see 1:30-31, 40-42, 11:12-14, 20-21.

Work through page 14 and the top of page 15. Talk about any additional references the ladies have put under their ‘special findings’. Find out why they picked them out.

A second Friendly warning  Using this lesson method may take a long time. You can choose to break it up into two or three sessions if you have time. It is good to encourage the ladies to handle and search their own Bibles. Alternatively, you could again show the class my and your answers for this lesson (Mark) before getting ladies to find answers for themselves on the next meeting – for Luke lesson 6. Develop your best way to use this course book. Don’t be bound by it.

Student's page:

Lesson 5 Mark continues the true story 2:1-10:52

Scan through the nine chapters above and put them into the sections you choose below.

1. story and teaching 2. healing miracles 3. nature miracles 4. special findings

2:6-12 2:1-5 2:12

2:13-17 2:17

2:18-28 3:1-6 3:6

3:13-35 3:7-12 3:12

4:1-34 4:35-41 4:41

5:1-43 5:31

6:1-29 6:30-44

6:54-56 6:45-53

7:1-23 7:24-37 8:1-10

8:11-21 8:22-26 8:31-33

8:27-9:13 9:14-29

9:30-10:45 9:30-32

10:46-52 10:32-34

As in Matthew there are lots of healings. The same four ‘nature miracles’ are in both. There is story, teaching and conversation with the Pharisees.

My Special findings

2:12 Amazement and praise to God

2:17 People puzzled over Who Jesus is

3:6 Jesus heals on the Sabbath causing plotting by the religious leaders who felt threatened by Jesus

3:12 Jesus wants to keep a low profile until the right time

4:41 Even His disciples are terrified at Jesus’ power

5:31 The disciples do not understand when Jesus asks “Who touched My clothes?” when they were in a crowd. Their response was that everybody was touching someone! In Luke 8:46 Jesus says “Someone touched Me; I know that power has gone out from Me.” Someone had touched Jesus seeking His healing power. This is what Mark explains in 5:28 “She thought, “If I just touch His clothes, I will be healed.” Verse 29 clearly says she was healed immediately. She came forward and in verse 34 Jesus confirms to her “Daughter, your faith has healed you”

8:31-33 Jesus started to teach the disciples that He would be rejected by the religious leaders, killed and rise again. Peter argued against this idea and was rebuked severely by Jesus.

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Leader's page:

Don’t forget to find out why ladies have put other references in their ‘special findings’.

The names used for the disciples can confuse us. This paragraph is just to answer the question – yes, three of them do have different names in the different Gospels!

Student's page:

Jesus went on to say, recorded in Mark’s version, and in Matthew’s and in

Luke’s, that anyone who follows Him must carry their own crosses. It obviously made a deep impression on everyone who heard it. They could not forget it.

There were always crosses to be seen, where regular executions took place. It was the Roman’s preferred cruellest punishment method. Reminders. Solemn thought!

9:30-32 Jesus talks about His death again. The disciples had been talking about who of them would be the greatest. Jesus knew and told them that to be important they must strive to become the servants of all. Another solemn thought!

10:32-43 On their way to Jerusalem Jesus talks to the disciples for a third time about

what will happen to Him.

The Gospel of Mark does not have as many parables recorded as Matthew or Luke. Mark has just five. What Jesus did was important to Mark. He is very direct in reporting what Jesus did, and does not have as much of what Jesus said as Matthew and Luke. The words translated ‘immediately’, ‘as soon as’ and ‘straightaway’ (1:29, 6:45, 6:50), are often used, together with eye witness detail, probably from Peter. There are times when you can almost hear Peter saying to Mark “and then….” – talking as they spent time together, perhaps in Rome. Peter also remembered that Jesus had gone to sleep on a cushion 4:38, that the grass was green, which tells us the time of year 6:39, that the man could only see people as trees walking 8:24.

Mark has presented Jesus as the Servant of God – doing what God wants Him to do.

Have you ever been confused about the names of the disciples?

Check Matthew 10:2-4, Mark 3:16-19, Luke 6:14-16.

Simon Peter

James the son of Zebedee

John the son of Zebedee

Andrew – Peter’s brother


Bartholomew also known as Nathanael

Matthew also known as Levi


James the son of Alphaeus

Thaddeus also known as Judas son of James

Simon the Zealot

Judas Iscariot

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© 2022 Colin Salter

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