Mark's life and ministry of Jesus Christ. (Mark 2:1-12)
You do not have to read far in Mark’s ‘life of Jesus’ to come across a miracle. His compassion for people led Him into contact with them and resulted in many cures. We have already seen examples of this (1:40-45). The leper made the ministry of Jesus more difficult by getting so excited about the miracle that he forgot Jesus’ message. Many people today do the same thing.
Miracles are basically two things. Firstly they are supernatural happenings, clearly designated by the Greek word usually translated ‘miracle’. Secondly they are signs, from a different word often translated ‘miraculous signs’ in most modern Bibles. Remember that both are significant. Have you ever seen a young child given a super new toy only to put it to one side and play with the box that it came in? Many
Christians fall into that trap over God’s gracious miraculous signs.
The attraction of Jesus Christ
Those who had heard Jesus and seen what He was doing were so stirred
up that they went and told many others. In this way many, many people
heard about Jesus. This always happened (2:1-2, 13; 3:7-8, 20). The
people came to where Jesus was. Some came to criticise. Some came to
catch Him out. Some came to cry out for mercy. In every case, it was
Jesus they came to. Then they listened to Him. Jesus took every
opportunity to ‘preach the word’ to people. His teaching, the crowds who
gave testimony, and the tremendous miracles, served to draw crowds
around Jesus. Is there a lesson for us here?
The attitude of men
There were three groups around Jesus in Capernaum and the same three
groups are around today. Four men had faith for a needy friend. Verses
3-5 record how they brought him to Jesus, believing He could help him.
With their bare hands they tore at the roof. Their faith was shown by
their actions. Jesus saw it and responded with a miracle.
The teachers criticised Jesus. Verses 6-7 reveal the ‘tut-tut’ brigade!
They were close to Jesus, but they were very critical and when they
should have been helping, they were hindering. They tried to find fault
rather than faith. Be careful you do not join their ranks today.
The watchers wondered, worshipped and wanted Jesus to do something
for them. If you compare verses 2 and 12 you will discover that the
crowd at large witnessed these events and worshipped God for His
workings. I am sure that within the crowd people were saying, ‘I wish
Jesus would help me.’ The miracle Jesus performed demonstrated that
He has ‘authority on earth to forgive sins’ (v.10). This is what the sign
points to.
Do not limit God. He still works miracles today. To some He gives a
miracle of healing for His own praise; to others He gives a measure of
help; to others He gives the privilege of suffering with His own promise of
sufficient grace.
Make sure your life attracts people to Jesus Christ and make sure that
your attitude to miracles sees the supernatural signs that God is showing.
Discussion guide for ‘the miracles of Jesus Christ’
Bible reading Mark 2:1-12
1. When the leper forgot Jesus’ message in the wonder of his own
miracle, what happened to Jesus’ ministry, Mark 1:40-45?
2. Jesus undoubtedly worked many miracles. These helped to draw
crowds of people to come, watch and listen to Him – see Mark 2:1-2;
2:13; 3:7-8; 3:20. Usually, what did Jesus do when a crowd
gathered? Why did He do this? (Consider 1:15).
3. Do you think people were attracted to Jesus because of His
miracles, His message or His true manliness? Why?
4. What can you learn about the dual purpose of some miracles, from
Mark 2:5 and verse 8-11?
5. What does this mean for you in your own life?
6. Do you have questions to pray about or to seek Christian advice