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38. The value of God's word

The Master's Instructions about the Bible. (Psalm 119).

From a simple study of the Bible’s longest chapter, Psalm 119, we can learn the value of the Bible. Whenever we read the word we should also receive it into our hearts. This means we should not quickly forget it, but faithfully keep it and remind ourselves of the truths as often as we can.

We should rejoice in God’s truth. The fact that we can know it in our minds, sow it in our hearts, and show it in our lives should lift us up. We must always respond to it too, allowing it to challenge our way of life and attitudes of heart.

1. The Bible is the way to full blessing (vv.1-2)

2. It is the way to pure living (v.9)

3. It is a defence against sin (v.11)

4. It is a source of spiritual strength (v.28)

5. It renews spiritual life (vv.37, 93)

6. It is worthy of absolute trust (v.42)

7. It can stop us straying from God (v.67)

8. It has value other than worldly values (v.72)

9. It is eternal and sure in the midst of change (v.89)

10. It gives supernatural wisdom (vv.98-100)

11. It shows where we are and the way ahead (v.105)

12. It resolves mysteries (v.130)

13. It gives understanding (v.169)

Paul told Timothy that the value of the Bible in ‘teaching, rebuking,

correcting and training in righteousness’, was ultimate perfection in the

man or woman of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

A Bible that is never read is of no use. A Bible that is studied is much

use. There are many ways of studying the Bible. A varied spiritual diet

will be as beneficial to your Christian life as a balanced physical diet is to

your body. Make sure that you study the Bible for yourself and do not

rely all the time on other people to do it for you and deliver it to you in

paperback, online or from the pulpit.

Discussion guide for ‘the value of God’s word’

Bible reading Psalm 119

1. What are some good ways of reminding ourselves of God’s truth

frequently in our lives? Use your own experiences, and what you

have heard from others, for your answer.

2. Why must we always respond to God’s truth as we read or hear it?

What is the danger if we do not do this?

Read 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

What do you think is meant for your life by:

3. “God-breathed”?

4. “useful”?

5. “teaching”?

6. “rebuking”?

7. “correcting”?

8. “training in righteousness”?

9. “thoroughly equipped”?

10. Now put 2 Timothy 3:16-17 into your own words:

11. Explain what a “varied spiritual diet” is.

12. Why is a “varied spiritual diet” good for the Christian’s life?

13. Describe practical ways of obtaining this variety.


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