The Master's Instructions about Christian's together. (1 Corinthians 12:1-31).
The ministry of Jesus Christ should be the natural and normal everyday life for you and me. At home, at work, indeed, wherever we are, we should try to heal a hurting person, to teach a seeking person, to free a person in bondage (Luke 4:18-19). We should try to inject our
Christianity into all that we do. The two foundations for witnessing are koinonia – a warm fellowship of Christians, and kerygma – a preaching of gospel truth.
Three main Bible passages speak of God’s gifts to the local church. They are Romans 12:6-8; 1 Corinthians 12:7-11, 27-31 and Ephesians 4:11-12. A spiritual gift is an ability which God, in His grace, gives to one person for the well-being of another. It will make God Himself more plain to the
church. It will be set into action by God Himself with the co-operation of
the individual’s faith.
Here is a brief definition of listed spiritual gifts. Nowhere does the
Bible say these are the only spiritual gifts. We have looked earlier at
apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. (lesson 35).
1. Prophesying – verbalising the mind of God and the meaning of His
2. Serving – taking practical care of God’s people and of His property.
3. Teaching – giving clear instruction and indications of application of
4. Encouraging – getting alongside another to build up his or her faith.
5. Contributing – meeting another’s needs in this material world.
6. Leadership – guiding and guarding others with specific purpose.
7. Showing mercy – sympathising with those undergoing trials and
8. Wisdom – spiritual perception passed on to another.
9. Knowledge – spiritual answer to an enquiry from another.
10. Faith – firm conviction of trust in God leading to taking action.
11. Gifts of healing – the ability to make whole under God.
12. Miraculous powers – the ability to do supernatural things under
13. Prophecy – speaking God’s message to the people.
14. Discernment – judging by evidence seen and unseen whether or not
something is of God.
15. Speaking in tongues – making sounds or verbalising a language not
16. Interpreting tongues – explaining the meaning of such tongues.
It is wrong for any Christian to be ignorant about spiritual gifts
(1 Corinthians 12:1). It is wrong for any Christian to try and imitate
spiritual gifts. It is right for all Christians to desire to be used by God in
some way (1 Corinthians 12:31; 14:1, 12). It is God who distributes the
gifts as He wills (1 Corinthians 12:6, 11, 28). It is wrong to dictate to God
what He must do for you! But He does promise that if you seek Him He will
give you the desires of your heart. This may involve Him in changing your
Ask God to help you discover what He wants for you. Consider your
natural abilities because He made you the way you are for a reason.
Any Christian may be used by God for any purpose at any time.
Listen to advice from fellow Christians who are known and respected in your
Accept whatever God gives to you.
Amplify the ministries in which you can see God is using you.
Avoid trying to be what God is not making you!
Discussion guide for ‘Becoming what God wants me to be in the
body of Christ’ Bible reading 1 Corinthians 12:1-31
1. The church is left on earth to be and to do what no other
organisation can – to be the Body of Christ. Explain what this
should look like to people outside.
2. Discuss what the difference is between a spiritual gift and a
natural ability? Consider the first part of Romans 12:6;
1 Corinthians 12:4,7; Ephesians 4:7.
3. In Ephesians 4:11-12 who does the “works of service” – the leaders
or the people? Why?
4. It is therefore important for you to know where, when and how you
may play your part. Where would you begin seeking this out?
5. What can we learn from the way:
Samuel began his ministry? 1 Samuel 3.
Paul began his ministry? Acts 9:26-30 & 11:25-26.
Timothy began his ministry? Acts 16:1-5.
6. Many of the roles in a local church are not mentioned in the Bible.
They may include caretaking the building and equipment, cleaning,
preparing rooms for meetings, planning refreshments, advertising
events, playing music or singing, welcoming folk, entertaining
visitors, working with children and young people, teaching skills,
financial management, planning for the future, training, discipling
new Christians, pastoral visiting people, caring for those in special
need, etc.
Ask God to show you your role (or your roles). Be available.
7. Discuss with others from your church how they think you can be
used in the church. Do what you are asked by God to do.