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32. How to lead another to Jesus Christ

The Master's Instructions about specific Christian problems. (Acts 8:26-40).

Firstly, spend some time thinking about how you became a Christian. What was the situation in your life? Where did you actually hear the gospel? What made it become real to you? Our Lord Jesus came into the world with a clearly stated purpose: to seek and to save sinners (Luke 19:10;

1 Timothy 1:15). This same purpose is now ours.

Every Christian should realise that God has placed him or her where he is for a reason. God has done wonders for him, and now requires him to do certain things in return.

In Acts 8:26-40 we have the story of the evangelist Philip. He obeyed

the prompting of God (vv.26-27). He met the person God intended him to

talk to (v.27). God knew the potential of that man (v.27) and God had

prepared him by giving him an interest in spiritual things (v.28). The man

had a problem that he needed help with (vv.30-31) and Philip was positive

in sharing Christ with him from that point onwards.

Why don’t you follow this simple pattern?

ACTS for God:

Ask God to lay a person upon your heart

Contact that person for God and God for that person

Train yourself to be ready to lead that person to Christ and then

forwards into the Christian life

Seek to share with him as God gives the opportunity

Remember that good intentions never got anybody saved!

When people are learning to do anything they usually make some mistakes

along the way. A learner-driver may dread the test, but he will never be

free in his driving until he passes it. We must learn to

  • love people for Jesus Christ,

  • look for opportunities to witness,

  • listen to cries for help,

  • learn from every experience and then to

  • lead people to the One Who saved us.

Personal evangelism does not mean sharing the whole message of the

gospel with every person you witness to. It does mean giving some of the

message to people when God gives you the opportunity. Work out your

own way of sharing the simple truths of salvation with your friends.

1. Man was right with God – this is what I want and what He intends.

2. Man was ruined by sin – my inner attitudes and desires show me


3. Man can be restored through Jesus Christ – God Himself tells me

that I can be a new person through knowing Jesus Christ.

4. Man must now repent of sin or reject God’s salvation

– I have made my choice.

Will you make your choice now?

Discussion guide for ‘How to lead another to Jesus Christ’

1. If you are able, share briefly how you came to know Jesus Christ

as your personal Saviour. The group can probably learn from this

that there are many and varied circumstances around people

becoming born again.

2. How do you think Christians should “seek” sinners for conversion?

Luke 19:10. The Greek word zeteo means to look carefully for.

3. From Acts 8:26-40 pick out as many points as you can showing how

Philip was led by God to the man from Ethiopia.

How may these points help you in personal evangelism?

4. From Acts 10:1-48 describe the steps God used to draw together

Cornelius, who was seeking, and Peter, who had the answer.

How may these steps help you in personal evangelism?

5. Much of our witnessing takes place over long periods of time, for

example, at our places of work, with our family members, etc. Is it

necessary to share with a person from these contacts the whole

gospel of Jesus Christ every time we talk to them?


Why not?

6. I have suggested four steps (above) in a presentation I would make

to somebody when I was leading them to Christ.

Try and work out for yourself a way to lead someone to Christ.

Make it something simple and straightforward that you are

comfortable with using.

Consider Acts 9:1-30; Acts 16:25-34; and your own conversion

encounter with Jesus Christ.

7. Memorise 2 Corinthians 5:17, a verse with a tremendous promise.

You can show this to anyone after you have led them to faith in

Christ. And if the person has not yet come to believe, prayerfully

show them verses 20-21.


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