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29. Revelation and Acts 1:6-7

Leader's page and Student's page best viewed left/right side together

Leader’s notes:

Lead from the front and share these two paragraphs first of all:

The book of Revelation – together with Daniel and Ezekiel – talk about end times, latter days. The picture language used has been interpreted in many ways. Different churches and Christian denominations have different interpretations in their statements of faith.

We are not going there. It is not the purpose of this book to create or prolong divisions. I want to help our ladies have ‘a working understanding’ to aid their Christian walk.

The book of Revelation – or apocalypse, unveiling, disclosure - was written by the Apostle John about A.D.95 from the island of Patmos, 50 miles off Ephesus in the Aegean Sea. He was exiled there because of his Christian teaching. Christians were being persecuted due to their opposition to emperor worship. The angel sent by God tells John to write what he sees. The resulting letter is to reassure struggling Christians that their ultimate victory is coming when Jesus the Christ returns, the wicked are forever destroyed, and God’s people enter an eternity of glory and blessedness. However this book is still difficult to fully understand!

Invite the ladies to look at the Acts references top opposite. Share the story as a group and then answer the two questions.

Ask one lady to read the promise of Revelation 1:3.

Ask the ladies to find what items are mentioned in the next six Revelation verses.

Suggest: ‘Write them in your notes’.

The significance of ‘seven’ meaning ‘completeness’ is lost on us when we don’t understand it.

Ask five pairs of two ladies to read the Genesis/Revelation listed verses

and one pair to read the other three references from Revelation. ‘Jesus comes!’

In Revelation 2 and 3 Jesus is looking at all seven churches He is speaking to.

Look at each one in turn: Find what Jesus says was ‘good’ about that church? Find what Jesus says was ‘bad’ about that church? Most (all?) local churches I know are a mixture of ‘good and bad’ even today.

Perhaps look at one church, compare answers and then move on to the next.

What do you think Jesus says when He looks at the church you are part of?

Are there things to learn here? Invite your ladies to share as many as they can.

Student's page:

Lesson 29 Revelation and Acts 1:6-7

You will have noticed that one Bible reference in the heading of this lesson is not from the book of Revelation. This text is, however, a key basis for understanding, or trying to understand, the book of Revelation.

Acts 1:1-11 What is happening? Tell the story.

Acts 1:6-7 What do these verses warn us about?

According to our Lord Jesus can we know all the future timings and details? Yes or no?

Revelation is difficult, but 1:3 is the only promise like this for a particular Bible book: ‘Read, think, apply, and be blessed’.

There are many symbols, images and numbers used. For example:

Seven is prominent - the symbolic number for completeness. Seven ‘what’ in these?

Revelation 1:4


8:2 two items


15:1 two items

16:1 What is the real meaning of ‘seven’ in each of these contexts?

There is symmetry between Genesis and Revelation – the beginning and the end:

Symmetry means exact similarity between two parts.

Genesis 1:1 heaven and earth Revelation 21:1

1:16 sun and moon 21:23

2:22 a wedding 19:7

3:6-8 the beginning, and the end, of sin 20:10, 21:8

3:1-6 success of, then defeat of, Satan 20:10

There is also symmetry within Revelation itself - 1:7-8 and 22:7, 12-13. ‘Jesus comes!’

Seven churches of Asia Revelation 1:4-5

2:1-7 Ephesus

2:8-11 Smyrna

2:12-17 Pergamum

2:18-29 Thyatira

3:1-6 Sardis

3:7-13 Philadelphia

3:14-22 Laodicea

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Leader's page:

One really encouraging idea is to follow ‘the glory of Jesus’ through Revelation.

So let’s do it!

Lead the whole group to work together. Invite ladies to read references as necessary.

1:10-19 - fill in the descriptions opposite

Five of the descriptions used in the messages to the seven churches are also in 1:10-19.

3:7 and 3:14 add tremendous new descriptions. What are they?

Just stop and think over the descriptions you have written down and talked about so far - close your eyes and think…….and look in visionary wonder. Our Lord Jesus is amazing.

If it was not for the fact the Bible says this, all of it would seem incredible (unbelievable).

No power failures in heaven! Humanly generated light is not needed, 21:22-24; 22:1-5.

Another vision of Jesus, with some songs of praise and worship, is in chapter 5.

Try reading 5:8-13 with the leader reading the narrative and all the ladies together reading the three sections of songs. There may be a problem with various Bible translations, but it would be very good to involve the ladies speaking those words of praise.

Never forget you may always laugh in joyful praise too!

Yet another description in chapter 19. What more can you learn from it?

Always think of the majesty, the mystery and the moral might of our God.

Praise comes from a pure heart.

A pure heart comes from a close relationship with Jesus.

Pure hearts can get dirty – so walk in step with Jesus.

Every moment of every day in every way.

Student's page:

Let’s look at the glory of Jesus in Revelation.

We need to remember that we are looking at scenes in heaven, not on earth, with beings whose bodies are spiritual bodies even if with the appearance of man.

Think, imagine and meditate on our Lord Jesus with:

1:10-19 a voice like -

looking like -

dressed in -

hair like -

eyes like -

feet like -

hand holding -

mouth with -

face like -

2:1, 2:8, 2:12, 2:18, 3:1 present descriptions almost verbatim from 1:10-19. Check them out. Additionally see 3:7 -

see 3:14 -





Acts 1:7, Ephesians 1:3-10. God has a plan and purpose in history past and history future. If we think about that, we realise how infinitely small we are as individuals in that plan, but as individuals we are very important to God. Amazing! So can we trust Him for His future plan?

  • Remember, our Lord Jesus said, “It is not for you to know” all the details.

  • Be satisfied with the glory of Jesus that we can begin to appreciate now.

  • Wait for everything else to become clear, in God’s time.

  • Look at Luke 21:27-28; Acts 1:11; Revelation 22:12-14. Then

  • Look up, and keep looking up, because Jesus is coming again. He said so.

Do you believe Him? John 14:2-3 says we have a certain future home.

Thank You, Lord. Hallelujah! Hope to see you all there.

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