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25. Romans 57 A.D.

Leader's page and Student's page best viewed left/right side together

Leader’s notes:

Lead from the front.

Use the historical information below, if you think it useful to the ladies.

Rome was founded 753 B.C. and grew through monarchy into a republic, governed by regularly elected consuls in 509 B.C. By 146 B.C. Rome ruled much of Spain, parts of North Africa and Greece.

In 45 B.C. Julius Caesar became dictator of Rome for life. He was murdered in 44 B.C. There was leadership turmoil until Octavian became sole ruler, and assumed the title of Emperor Augustus in 27 B.C.

‘Pax Romana’ (the peace of Rome) had arrived and with it the golden age of Rome’s Empire. Augustus died in A.D.14.

Rome built roads in every direction – roads that really lasted well. Some survive in England, where I live, today! They were definitely in charge. God used this improved communication network to give freedom for the Gospel to spread.

The golden age continued until about A.D.192 when the Empire began to decline and disintegrate. Finally, in A.D.476, a Germanic prince won control of the Roman army in Italy.

“Among the many legacies of Roman dominance are the widespread use of the Romance languages (Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian) all derived from Latin. The modern Western alphabet and calendar and the emergence of Christianity as a major world religion .............. Rome’s military conquests led directly to its cultural growth as a society, as the Romans benefited greatly from contact with such advanced cultures as the Greeks. The first Roman literature appeared around 240 B.C., with translations of Greek classics into Latin; Roman people would eventually adopt much of Greek art, philosophy and religion.” ( )

The God of history used the times and the people He had created to facilitate the spread His message. Jesus is Lord!

God can use nations, governments and leaders who do not acknowledge His authority. Ultimately, nothing and nobody can frustrate His eternal will.

Now start teaching page 54.

Ask different ladies to read a Bible passage, one at a time. Listen carefully and all share answers to any of these questions as you go along: 1. What do we know about Paul’s desire to go to Rome?

2. What makes up the different parts of ‘Paul’s gospel’?

3. Can you see ‘another side’ of the usual Paul coming through? What is it? Why?

Student's page:

Lesson 25 Romans 57A.D. “Romans is one of the most important theological documents of all time. Its influence on the course of Christian history and the development of Christian theology is inestimable”. - NIV Zondervan Study Bible.

This letter was most likely written during Paul’s 3 month stay in Corinth, Acts 20:2-3.

Paul’s desire – can you find reasons Paul wanted to go to Rome?

Romans 1:8-15

Acts 19:21

Acts 22:29-30; 23:1, 9-11; 25: 10-12

Romans 15:23-24

What essentially isPaul’s (my) Gospel”?

Romans 16:25-27, see verse 25

Romans 1:14-17

1 Corinthians 15:1-7 Galatians 1:6-9 Colossians 1:13-23

Has Paul a more human side than we often see? What describes it?

Look up Romans 15:13-16:24 – we are used to Paul’s preaching and correcting, and we are grateful to God for Paul’s teaching writings, but this passage at the end of Romans provides us with insights into another side of Paul. What are the insights and what do they show us? How may we apply them into our daily lives and dealings with people?






16:1-2 see Acts 18:18

16:3-5 still leading a house church, this time in Rome see Acts 18:19, 24-26

16:5-16 men, women, Jews, Gentiles, working together, followers of Jesus.


16:21-24 Page 54

Leader's page:

Invite the ladies to work in twos or small groups, writing, or composing and sharing, one short sentence explaining each of the references opposite. Share their sentences for each reference.

If you still have time you could ask the ladies if they have thought of any other verses, from different Bible books, or elsewhere in Romans, which reinforce these same truths. (I have given some possibilities in brackets below).

Romans 1:16-17 God’s righteousness is faith revealed to us by faith (Galatians 3:11; Hebrews 10:38; Romans 3:22)

1:18-20 God is angry with sin (Romans 2:5)

3:11-12, 23 Everyone has sinned (Romans 5:12)

3:24-25 We have been declared not guilty (Ephesians 1:7)

5:1, 9-11 We have a restored relationship with God (Colossians 1:21-22)

6: 23 We have the gift of eternal life (Matthew 25:46)

8:1-4 There is now no condemnation (Romans 8:31-34)

8:12-17 Live as sons and daughters of your heavenly Father

- suffering and glory (Galatians 6:7-10)

11:33-36 God did it all - what an awesome God we have (Job 11:7)

12:1-2 How to live it out – principle (Ephesians 4:1; 5:15)

12:3, 9, 14, 21 How to live it out – practice

13:1-8 How to live it out – more practice

14:1, 12, 13 , 19 How to live it out – still more practice

15:7 How to live it out – even more practice! (1 Peter 4:10-11)

Notice how practical Christian discipleship is, affecting all areas of life.

Student's page:

Paul’s gospel outline in 15 chapters!

Write, or think of, one sentence explaining each of the references below - to build your own ‘theology page’ of Paul’s teaching on What is the Gospel?

‘Theology’ is the study of the nature of God. What we believe ought to affect how we live.

Romans 1:16-17


3:11-12, 23


5:1, 9-11






12:3, 9, 14, 21


14:1, 12, 13 , 19


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