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18. A major new departure

Leader's page and Student's page best viewed left/right side together

Leader’s notes: Acts 9:32-11:18

Lead this page from the front

Invite various ladies to read out each Bible reference as you get to it

Compare Acts 1:8 Jesus speaking immediately before His ascension

with Acts 9:31 from the end of our last Lesson.

What have you found? They have reached part of the goal. Now what’s next?

In perhaps 10 years at most, the infant church has grown - building blocks have been put in place which will characterise it forever.

Ask the ladies if they can recall stories in Acts which mention items in the list opposite - use the references below to check information or to nudge memories.

Suggest the ladies write down the historical story or reference to have it for the future.

Meeting together 1:13-14; 2:1, 2:42,46

Presence of the Holy Spirit 2:38

Outreach preaching - to Jews, half-Jews, to a Gentile ‘god-fearer’

3:11-13; 8:4-7, 8:25, 8:26-29

Teaching 2:42; 3:12-26; 5:42; 7:2-53

Prayer 2:42; 4:23-24

Lord’s Supper, Holy Communion, Eucharist, Sacrament, Lord’s Table 2:42

Persecution 4:3; 5:17-18, 5:40; 7:54-59

Healing 3:6-8; 5:12

Administration 6:2-4

Oil of encouragement 9:17, 9:27, 9:31

Conversions 2:37-41; 4:4; 6:7; 8:35-38

Discipline 5:1-11

Doctrinal truths - principles to stand on 5:27-32; 8:18-24

Now 9:32-10:48 we travel with Peter

9:32-35 Lydda is about 30 miles north-west of Jerusalem

9:36-43 miraculous healing in Joppa (See map page 3)

9:43-10:48 a major new departure

Verse 43 does not have many words, but their importance is great. Peter stayed with Simon the tanner. “A tanner was involved in treating the skins of dead animals, thus contacting the unclean according to Jewish law, so he was despised by many”.

Peter had seen Jesus mix with tax collectors and sinners. Now he does the same.

“Peter’s decision to stay with Simon shows already a willingness to reject Jewish prejudice and prepares the way for his upcoming vision and mission to the Gentiles”. Both quotes from the NIV Study Bible 1985.

Student's page:

Lesson 18 A major new departure Acts 9:32-11:18

Compare Acts 1:8 Jesus speaking immediately before His ascension

and Acts 9:31 from the last meeting. What have you found?

In perhaps 10 years at most, the infant church has grown. The following 13 building blocks have been put in place which will characterise it forever.

1. Meeting together

2. Indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit

3. Outreach preaching - to Jews, half Jews, to a Gentile ‘god-fearer’

4. Teaching

5. Prayer

6. Lord’s Supper, Holy Communion, Eucharist, Sacrament, Lord’s Table

7. Persecution

8. Healing

9. Administration

10. Oil of encouragement

11. Conversions

12. Discipline

13. Doctrinal truths - principles to stand on

In Acts 9:32-10:48 we travel with Peter

Acts 9:32-35 Who did Peter walk to see?

How was Aeneas healed? What else happened?

Acts 9:36-43 How did Tabitha/Dorcas help people? What else happened?

Is this a ministry you could have?

Acts 9:43-10:48 My translation has just 12 words in 9:43, but why are they very


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Leader's notes:

Continue leading from the front. Ask the ladies to read Bible verses and then answer the questions. Again, it would be good if they wrote their answers in their books.

Acts 10:1-8 What do you know about Cornelius?

- Centurion in charge of 100 men in the Italian regiment

- lived in Caesarea (see map page 4)

- devout, God-fearing (worshipping the God of Israel), stationed in Caesarea, gave generously and prayed regularly

- one afternoon about three (a regular Jewish time of prayer) he

had a vision of an angel calling his name as he prayed, verses 30-31

- he calls the visitor “Lord “

This didn’t happen to centurions!

But, being a soldier, he obeyed the given order

- Cornelius sends servants, with a ‘deeply religious’ soldier, to Joppa

Acts 10:9-23a Perhaps read this story to the ladies

Depending on time read the following sections yourself, or get ladies to read them one at a time. Share answers where applicable

Acts 10:23b -33 Preliminaries . They share how they got to be there

10:34-35 Peter shares what he had only very recently learned

10:36-38 He revises what they knew or may have heard about

10:39-43 He tells the way of salvation through Jesus Christ of Nazareth

10:44-48 Reactions in the hearers, and in Peter

Holy Spirit comes on new believers

Peter’s team and local Joppa people are all amazed

Peter wanted new believers baptised in the name of

Jesus Christ, and it seems they were

Peter stayed with them a little while longer

Acts 11:1-18 News spread. Peter explained what had happened in Joppa and Caesarea so that even the Jewish believers understood and praised God.

In terms of how the church had grown, what had now happened ?

“I have other sheep that are not of this sheepfold. I must bring them also”.

Jesus in John 10:16. Does He still want this?

Please read Acts 11:19-12:25 for next time.

Student's page:

Acts 10:1-8 What do you know about Cornelius?





How does the angel reassure Cornelius?

What does he tell him to do?

Acts 10:9-23a A vision given by God in order to teach a very big change in

thinking. But look at 10:28-29. Peter had understood.

Sometimes God asks us to make changes to our thinking – changes are

not always easy, but sometimes are very necessary.

Acts 10:23b-33 We read this earlier. The people needed to get acquainted!

How warm a welcome do you think it was? Why do you think that?

Acts 10:34-35 Peter underlines what he has so recently learned. Keep learning!

Acts 10:36-38 Peter reminds them of the story of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Acts 10:39-43 Pick one important piece of information from each verse, which together make the way of salvation.

Acts 10:44-48 What are the five reactions/events in Cornelius and friends, in the believers who had come from Joppa, and in Peter himself?

Acts 11:1-18 Back in Jerusalem –

What was the first reaction of Christians there?

How did this change after Peter’s explanation? Why?

Thank God, because that means we can all be accepted, especially verses 17-18.

In terms of how the church had grown, what had now happened?

“I have other sheep that are not of this sheepfold. I must bring them also”.

Jesus in John 10:16.

Rejoice as you trace God’s hand in this true history 9:32-10:48. Play your part today.

God was with Peter. He will always be with us as we obey His will for us.

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© 2022 Colin Salter

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