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10. The purpose of the true story from John's perspective

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Lesson 10 Leader’s notes: John 12:1-19:42

Don’t forget this is not just a brain exercise, it must involve hearts as well.

Pray God the Holy Spirit will move on people during your Lesson.

This section of John is full of teaching which builds blocks into Christian living if applied properly.

Work through these John references – involving the ladies by asking and answering my questions if discussion does not flow easily.

12:1-8 Were people right to be indignant? Why? Why not?

What reason did Jesus give for Mary’s actions?

What was His anticipated result?

Does that surprise you? Has it happened?

13:1-17 Here is the Creator of the universe washing your feet –

is there anything you should not be willing to do for Him?

14:6 Ten words in English that give us three ways to think about God the Son and

God the Father. May God the Holy Spirit lead us in our answers:

What does believing these three truths do for your Christian life?

How does it change your life from before you believed?

15:1-8 I can picture lemon trees we planted in our Khartoum North garden. After two

years they produced much enjoyable fruit. We got what we expected for our work.

What fruit does your Christian life produce for your Lord Jesus? What He expects?

15:12 The little word ‘as’ makes a big difference here. It is not a full stop between two

short sentences. What do you think it means to “love others as Jesus loves”?

Student's page:

Lesson 10 The purpose of the true story from John’s perspective, 12:1-19:42

John does not record the interaction of Jesus with the Pharisees. but he records five chapters of teaching, encouragement and prayer. Precious time spent with the disciples. Sometimes time is best thing we can give to someone.

12:1-8. John records a feast at the house of Simon the Leper in Bethany, where Lazarus, Mary and Martha lived. The story is also in Matthew and Mark –they record the perfume being poured over Jesus’ head by a woman, as He reclined at the table. Matthew 26:6-13, Mark 14:3-9. John has the perfume being poured over Jesus’ feet by Mary. May be it was both? She used her hair to wipe His feet. Some people were indignant – the perfume should have been sold and the money given to the poor. But Jesus said that Mary has anointed His body for burial, John 12:7. “Truly I tell you, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her”. Matthew 26:13, Mark 14:9. Matthew and Mark place this story during Holy Week. John has it the day before the Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem.

Mary did what she could, she used what she had. There’s a challenge for us today!

13:1-17 In the Middle East it is hot and dusty. You have a bath and then go out. By the time you have walked a little way your feet are dusty. It was the lowest job in the house to be the one who washed the feet of others. In a Jewish household a Jewish servant was not expected to do this. If they had one, a Gentile slave would be made to do it.

Peter would probably have washed Jesus’ feet but not the other disciples’ feet!

Yet Jesus stoops to wash your feet and my feet! Compare Matthew 20:25-27.

Another challenge! Sometimes women resentfully feel that the world has called them servants or slaves. Jesus says we should be willing to represent Him and take the role of a good servant.

14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life”. (1) Jesus is our way to God, (2) He is the truth of God displayed and (3) He gives everlasting life. He is God in a way we could understand – in human flesh like ours.

Do you really believe this?

15:1-8 Jesus says “I am the true Vine and My Father is the Gardener………..I am the Vine; you are the branches”. In many Old Testament references the vine represents Israel, but here Jesus changes the picture. He is the Vine – as a vine produces fruit through its branches we are like branches for Jesus! Are you ready for this?

15:12 Jesus said, “My command is this: Love one another as I have loved you”. Notice it is a command, not just advice. This sounds soft and cuddly. The fact is it is a big challenge. Page 24

Leader's page:

John 16:7-22 Share ways you know the Holy Spirit as:

your Helper, verse 7

One Who convicts you, verses 8-9

your Teacher, verse 13

One Who glorifies Jesus to you, verse 14 (What does that mean?)

17:1-5 Put into words the relationship between Jesus and His Father in heaven.

Ideas may include – perfection, purity, glory, family, love, and more.

17:6-26 Choose one point from Jesus’ prayer and share why it is special for you.

Again, don’t forget this is not just a brain exercise, it must involve hearts as well.

Pray God the Holy Spirit will move on people during your Lesson.

Work through the section on the differences between John and the Synoptics.

Look up the Scriptures and let them speak to the ladies.

19:14, 16 The whole crucifixion process, from passing judgement to certifying death on the cross took a long time. This may help explain apparent discrepancies.

Three more words from Jesus on the cross.

Ask the ladies which of these they see as most significant. Then ask them to explain why!

19:38-42 Think of opponents of Jesus around you. Then pray for their salvation.

Student's page:

John 16:7-22 Jesus says He will go to heaven Then the Holy Spirit will come and “guide you into all truth.” Compare Acts 1:9, Ephesians 1:13-14, Galatians 5:22-23. If we accept Jesus Christ as our Saviour and Lord, seeking His forgiveness for our sins, the Holy Spirit is promised to live in us. Jesus encourages His disciples. Be encouraged! No-one can really take away our joy. We live after Jesus’ resurrection.

17:1-5 Jesus is looking forward to sharing glory with His Father again, the way it was before He came to earth as a man.

17:6-26 Jesus prays for the disciples and all believers – that’s us!!!

What is different in this ‘Gethsemane to the death of Jesus’ narrative, between John’s Gospel and the Synoptics we saw mainly in Lesson 9?

18:13 Jesus is arrested and first taken to the house of Annas, father-in-law of Caiaphas. Annas had been High Priest but the Romans appointed Caiaphas to take his place. Many Jews still felt that Annas was the real High Priest!

18:15-16 John knows the High Priest and gets Peter allowed into the compound.

See how John refers to himself, but not by name!

19:7-15 At one Sanhedrin meeting Caiaphas said “it is better for you that one man die for the people than that the whole nation perish”. John 11:50. Pilate realises he is not now coping with common rebel, but someone beyond his understanding. Prisoners may curse and swear. The composure and words of this prisoner unnerve Pilate. The Jewish leaders did not want Caesar ruling over them, but at that moment they were angrier with Jesus than with Caesar.

19:14 “It was the day of Preparation of the Passover; it was about noon”. Time passes.

19:16 “Finally Pilate handed Him over to them to be crucified”. Mark 15:25 places the crucifixion at nine in the morning. Matthew, Mark and Luke have darkness coming at noon for three hours, while Jesus was on the cross.

Three more words from Jesus on the cross. He saw His mother and John the disciple.

19:26-27 “Woman, here is your son.” “Here is your mother.” In the physical anguish of bearing the weight of all sin, Jesus makes provision for the woman who gave Him birth.

19:28 “I am thirsty” Shows again Jesus’ genuine humanity.

19:30 “It is finished” Yes, His human life was at an end. His resurrection body was new, different, yet continuing life. What He had come to earth to do was accomplished. He had paid the price of sin and made a way for people to have a good personal relationship with Almighty God. Salvation is now available to all.

19:38-42 Nicodemus, who earlier met Jesus in secret one night, brings spices for the burial of Jesus’ body – Nicodemus and Joseph – two members of the very Sanhedrin who opposed Jesus, now work together to honour the Man they believe is God’s Son, Jesus our Saviour.

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