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24. Naomi - living through depression, wisdom and knowledge

My notes for teaching the Old Testament, by Mama Brenda.

Leader’s notes: Lesson 24 - Naomi – living through depression

From the book of Ruth, using the timeline of Basic facts, the ladies need to add on the right hand side of the page opposite what they think are Naomi’s feelings and reactions.

The ladies can work in pairs. Show them my completed chart, not to copy but to inspire!

Basic facts Feelings and reactions



Elimelech, Naomi, Mahlon and Killion go from

l Bethlehem to Moab

Elimelech dies Grief


Mahlon and Killion marry Orpah and Ruth


Ten years after arriving in Moab, Mahlon Grief

l and Killion die Problem after problem

Naomi hears of the end of famine and plans

l to go back

Orpah stays in Moab

l Bitter “God against me”

Naomi and Ruth go to Bethlehem


They arrive at barley harvest time Bitter

l “God brought me misfortune”

Ruth gleans in Boaz’ field Not Naomi’s idea


Boaz is kind to Ruth Naomi interested by

l contact with Boaz

Ruth gleans in barley harvest; wheat harvest A little bit of interest


Naomi schemes More interest from Naomi


Ruth goes to the threshing floor with a request

l of marriage

She leaves before anyone is up, with barley

l and a promise

Boaz goes to the town gate and in the presence

of witnesses redeems the land and the name We presume Naomi was

of Mahlon pleased


Boaz & Ruth marry Naomi is fulfilled – the

l family land is safe –

Ruth has a son, Obed Ruth is married - Naomi has

Obed to care for

Student worksheet: Lesson 24 - Naomi – living through depression

From the book of Ruth, using this timeline of basic facts, add your suggestions for Naomi’s feelings and reactions to the right hand side of the timeline.

Basic facts Feelings and reactions



Elimelech, Naomi, Mahlon and Killion go from

l Bethlehem to Moab

Elimelech dies


Mahlon and Killion marry Orpah and Ruth


Ten years after arriving in Moab, Mahlon

l and Killion die

Naomi hears of the end of famine and plans

l to go back

Orpah stays in Moab


Naomi and Ruth go to Bethlehem


They arrive at barley harvest time


Ruth gleans in Boaz’ field


Boaz is kind to Ruth

Ruth gleans in barley harvest, wheat harvest


Naomi schemes


Ruth goes to the threshing floor with a request

l of marriage

She leaves before anyone is up, with barley

l and a promise

Boaz goes to the town gate and in the presence

l of witnesses redeems the land and

the name of Mahlon

Boaz and Ruth marry


Ruth has a son, Obed

Page 90

Leader’s notes: Lesson 24 - Naomi – living through depression

Have the ladies share their answers with the class.

Then work through the story again using the top paragraph of page 91.

This paragraph highlights the events that encouraged Naomi, things

that we can learn from.

Learn from Ruth.

Truth and promise.

Student worksheet: Lesson 24 - Naomi – living through depression

Naomi experiences grief and then more grief – problem after problem.

She feels God has made her life bitter.

She and Ruth return to Bethlehem. Naomi is angry and upset.

She thinks life is unfair.

She seems to be living on in spite of God, not living with God.

Ruth is a support for her.

Naomi is still depressed and does not suggest Ruth goes gleaning – Ruth, the foreigner, has to make that suggestion. Through her work Boaz provides for them.

Slowly Naomi shows interest in what is going on – and perhaps realises that God knows what He is doing.

Naomi’s hopes come to pass. The family‘s land is redeemed. Boaz and Ruth marry

and have a son, and Naomi is once more enjoying a full life.

She had been encouraged by Ruth’s love and care. She was encouraged by the welcome back home. She was encouraged by Boaz’ involvement. Slowly, with the provisions God has made for her, she moves from emptiness to fullness, from bitterness to fulfillment.

God sometimes puts us in situations where we can come alongside someone to help them in a down time.

That is what Ruth did.

She walked beside Naomi on the long walk from Moab to Bethlehem.

Ruth suggested that she should find a way to support them both back in Bethlehem.

She stayed with Naomi even when Naomi had nothing to offer her in a strange country nor was the happiest of company.

She walked and suggested and stayed, but we do not read that she lectured Naomi.

Grief is real and affects different people differently. Grief may involve denial, anger and depression before there is acceptance of circumstances, with the ability to move on.

”Snap out if it” and “Pull yourself together” are not helpful phrases and attitudes. Gentle coming alongside and allowing time to heal is much more likely to help.

Coming alongside someone with an arm round their shoulder, and some dinner in a dish, is a real ministry.

If depression happens to us, remember: God allows difficult things to occur in our lives – and He is there with us as well. Don’t let go of God. He will not let go of you, not ever, never!!!

Page 91

Leader’s notes: Lesson 24 (continued) Wisdom/knowledge

Work through the information in the top four paragraphs of page 92 (opposite).

My aim is a gentle nudge in the direction of ‘more knowledge requires more wisdom’; encouraging the ladies to know how to make the best use the knowledge we have now got from this course.

Invite the ladies to find these verses, read them, and apply them to daily life.

You may find the ladies’ answers to these questions interesting!

Give time for discussion, or you may prefer to give out a sheet of paper which can be returned to you when completed by students.

Why don’t you say this altogether to one another – catching the eyes of other people?

This is Jude 24 paraphrased - 'To Him who is able to keep us from falling and to

present us before His glorious presence without fault and with great joy – to the only God our Saviour be glory, majesty. power and authority. through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forever! Amen'.

Student's worksheet: Lesson 24 (continued) Wisdom/knowledge

We have covered a lot of information in this book and on this course.

Hopefully it is knowledge to help us spiritually grow and for us to use in helping other people.

The book of Proverbs, which guides us into living in a godly way, says in

1:7 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” and in

9:10 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”

Knowledge is information we have gained through learning or experience.

Wisdom is the good way we use our knowledge.

The fear of the Lord is living out a total respect for God.

Some ways to live in total respect for God are:

Romans 12:10

1 Corinthians 8:1

James 3:13

1 Peter 3:15

2 Peter 3:18

And there are many more we could look at.

From what you have learned please share:

1. what was the most surprising?

2. what was the most interesting?

3. what was the most useful?

This is Jude 24 paraphrased - 'To Him who is able to keep us from falling and to present us before His glorious presence without fault and with great joy – to the only God our Saviour be glory, majesty. power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forever! Amen'.

Page 92

Bibliography for the whole course:

Bible Maps Son Light Publishers Inc.: Arkansas, 2007/2008

Illustrated Bible Dictionary Inter-Varsity Press: Illinois 1998

Reflections on the Psalms C.S.Lewis, Inspirational Press: New York, 1994 reprint

Lion Handbook of the Bible Lion Publishing: Berkhampstead, 1974

What the Bible is all about Henrietta Mears, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association: London, 1966 edition

NIV (New International Version) Study Bible Zondervan: Grand Rapids, 1985

“God Rules”, O.K.? Unpublished sermons on the minor prophets, by Colin Salter,

Khartoum International Church, August to December 2002

(From November 2016

available in print and as audio sermons on the website:

Christian Theology in a Sudanese Context Colin Salter, Khartoum, 2004

A Guide to the Psalms W. G. Scroggie, Kregel Publications: Grand Rapids, 1995

Deuteronomy Christopher Wright, Hendrickson Publishers Inc.: Peabody, 1996

Living as the People of God Christopher Wright, Inter-Varsity Press: Leicester, 1983


© 2022 Colin Salter

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